Merry's Books

These are the books that I'm either reading or have read recently. Most will be fiction and I will admit.....some will be chick lit. I love reading and hopefully you'll like this site.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Anybody Out There? by Marian Keyes

Okay, this one fits into the "chick lit" category! I recieved this book from Bzzagent (a Word of Mouth organization that allows me to try new products and then talk about them). I've read another of Marian Keyes' books so I thought I knew what to expect. I was WRONG! Usually her books are very upbeat and don't deal with too many hard hitting, deep issues. This one does. It focuses on Anna Walsh. You meet her while she is recuperating from some kind of accident (you're not sure what kind) in the living room of her parents house. She is desperate to get back to her life in New York city.....and she's desperate to talk to Aiden.

And that's all I'm going to tell'll just have to read it. :) I really enjoyed this book and would recomend it.


  • At 8:53 PM, Blogger Valerie said…

    Hi Merry, you asked me a question on my blog about adding text when you roll over a graphic. I responded there, but thought I'd post the answer here too, in case you can't find your way back.

    Hi Merry--thanks for stopping by. To add the text when you rollover, add alt="text you want for picture" to your image source tag. So, for example, for a picture of a dog saved as "dog.jpg" your < img > tag might be:

    < img src="http://file.location/dog.jpg" alt="My dog" >

    Hope that makes sense. Feel free to email me at az1970 at comcast dot net if you have any other questions.


    p.s. I added spaces around the img tag, because I'm being told that HTML tag is not allowed.

    Hope that helps! By the way, I'm going to bookmark this blog because I'm also a big reader & enjoy seeing what other people have to say. I just picked up two books today: Any Place I Hang My Hat by Susan Isaacs, and The Other Woman by Jane Green. Are you familiar with either? Anyway, nice to "meet" you!


  • At 8:33 PM, Blogger Merry said…

    Thanks for the help with my blog. I haven't read either of the books you mention (that I can remember). I go through spurts of reading where I will go through a couple of books a week (which means sometimes I don't remember titles, etc.....I have re-bought a book i've already read quite a few times). I'm currently reading a book that is taking a while so I'm going to blog about some I've read in the recent past.

    Nice to "meet" you too. :)


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