Merry's Books

These are the books that I'm either reading or have read recently. Most will be fiction and I will admit.....some will be chick lit. I love reading and hopefully you'll like this site.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom

Okay, I think I'm the last person on earth to read this book. Kyla L. in my book group chose this as her pick for our Book Club to read. Though it is a bit depression, I liked the book. Though I wish I could say that I'm more like Morrie....I think I'm more like Mitch was a the beginning of the book.

This book is a great read that will make you rethink the priorities in your life. Maybe work isn't so important.....maybe family is even more important (and you should show that importance more). A very fast read worth the time.