Merry's Books

These are the books that I'm either reading or have read recently. Most will be fiction and I will admit.....some will be chick lit. I love reading and hopefully you'll like this site.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

"Ask Me Anything" by Francesca Delbanco

Rosalie Preston is a wanna-be actress who lives in New York. She works at GirlTalk magazine answering the "Annies Answers" column. She belongs to an acting troupe called "First Born" but feels like she's not a "real actor" because she has her job at GirlTalk. She's not really suffering for her art. As some of the others in her troupe become more famous, she has to come to terms with her own jealousy.

One way she deals with it is to start a slightly inappropriate relationship with her friend's married father. She withdraws from her group b/c of both the relationship and her jealousy. There's more but I've told enough.

Yet another "coming of age" book. Not sure how I keep picking them! This was a pretty good read. Rosalie is a decent person but she gets a little sideways every once in a while. We've all been there....your friend gets ahead and you get jealous. She knows she shouldn't be but she can't help it.

I give this book 3 stars out of 5.


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