Merry's Books

These are the books that I'm either reading or have read recently. Most will be fiction and I will admit.....some will be chick lit. I love reading and hopefully you'll like this site.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

"Goodnight Nobody" by Jennifer Weiner

Jennifer Weiner is also the author of "In Her Shoes" and "Good In Bed". I've read both of them so I knew this was a safe bet when I saw it on sale at Costco. This is the story of Kate Klein, a mother of three who had recently moved into the 'burbs. To say she hated it would be a vast understatement. All the women were super-fit, perfectly dressed and fed their children only organic snacks (all while she tried to dig a breathmint out of the bottom of her purse for her snack-less kids). Then she happened upon a murder scene and her life turned upside down. I'll stop there b/c I don't want to ruin it for you. This is a story about a woman trying to define herself after children. She feels like there has to be more & sometimes like she's disappearing. I really enjoyed this book. It was different than the Jennifer Weiner books I've read before since this is her first "mystery" book. It had great twists and turns while staying true to the story of Kate and her path of self discovery. Literature it's not but it is a great read. I'll give it three stars.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

"Hitching Rides With Buddha, A Journey Across Japan" by Will Ferguson

Will Ferguson is a very well known humor writer in Canada. I have also read his "How To Be a Canadian" which was awesome.

"Hitching Rides With Buddha" was also published in the US under the name of "Hokkaido Highway Blues".

This book made me want to go to Japan (which I never really wanted to visit before). Will lived in Japan for two years before deciding to hitchhike across Japan to follow the Cherry Blossom "front". Every year in Japan people track the "front" of the blossoming cherry blossoms complete with cherry blossom blooming forecasts on the nightly news.

Along the way Will meets many people who try to convince him to take the train because "Japanese do not pick up hitchhikers". This conversation was usually had right after the person speaking picked Will up off the side of the road.

Will has a wonderful knack for describing the people of Japan. He met many interesting people and recording them well. It almost makes me want to hitchhike across Japan (but just almost). It does make me tell you to DEFINITELY read this book. I give it 4 stars out of 4. Loved it!

"The Last of The Golden Girls" by Susan Swan

Okay before we start....this book was in the bargain bin. I bought it anyway. I should have known better.

This book is divided into three parts: Losing, Winning and Summer is Ended. The first two parts were okay but the last part was really freaking weird. Jude aka Dinger is the focus of the book. The first part takes place when she is 14. She and her family spend the summer at a cottage on the beach. Her family is different from most of the other families that stay near the beach b/c they are not as wealthy. This part is a decent "coming of age" story that deals with growing up, sexuality & dealing with the "haves" and the "have nots". The second part takes place back at the shore when she is 16. She is hanging out with the same two friends from Part 1. Unfortunately something happens that makes her realize that maybe they're not quite the friends she thought.

I won't even describe Part 3 except to say that it's weird.....very weird.

I would give this book 1 1/2 stars. I definitey wouldn't recommend it.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

100 Best Novel!s of All Time

Valerie who writes the Leisure Pursuit blog had a great idea for a blog post! She blogged about which of books off of the UK's Observer Top 100 Novels of All Time List. Loved the idea but didn't really like the list. I feel that it is very UK-centric (or maybe I'm just not that well read!). I had read 13 of the top 100 books. Here they are with their corresponding rank:

1. Don Quixote
14. Count of Monte Cristo (LOVED this book)
17. Wuthering Heights
24. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
25. Little Women
31. Huckleberry Finn
48. The Great Gatsby
53. Brave New World
59. 1984
63. Charlotte's Web
66. The Lord of the Flies
73. To Kill a Mockingbird
74. Catch 22

So 13 in all. Not so bad I guess. If you google "Top 100 Novels" you get lots of results. There are various lists & various opinions on each of the lists. I like the Modern Library's List .

On their list I've read 10 books off the "Board's List" and 14 off of the "Reader's List". It seems that everyone has an opinion....which is great! Anything that gets people reading! I must say, though, that I still love my chick lit!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Sulha by Malka Marom

Sulha means forgiveness in Hebrew. This book is about an Israeli women named Leora. Her first husband was killed in one of Israel's many wars. She then married Dave and moved to Canada. "Sulha" chronicles her return to Israel and her stay with a Beduin tribe. During this time she deals with many of her internal demons....even ones that she didn't realize she had. She also figures out how to offer a "sulha" to herself and those around her.

I started reading this book even before the latest Israeli/Lebanon confilct. It is a very interesting lesson in the interactions between different groups of people in the Middle East. I would recomend it though it is a bit of a slow read.