Merry's Books

These are the books that I'm either reading or have read recently. Most will be fiction and I will admit.....some will be chick lit. I love reading and hopefully you'll like this site.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

100 Best Novel!s of All Time

Valerie who writes the Leisure Pursuit blog had a great idea for a blog post! She blogged about which of books off of the UK's Observer Top 100 Novels of All Time List. Loved the idea but didn't really like the list. I feel that it is very UK-centric (or maybe I'm just not that well read!). I had read 13 of the top 100 books. Here they are with their corresponding rank:

1. Don Quixote
14. Count of Monte Cristo (LOVED this book)
17. Wuthering Heights
24. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
25. Little Women
31. Huckleberry Finn
48. The Great Gatsby
53. Brave New World
59. 1984
63. Charlotte's Web
66. The Lord of the Flies
73. To Kill a Mockingbird
74. Catch 22

So 13 in all. Not so bad I guess. If you google "Top 100 Novels" you get lots of results. There are various lists & various opinions on each of the lists. I like the Modern Library's List .

On their list I've read 10 books off the "Board's List" and 14 off of the "Reader's List". It seems that everyone has an opinion....which is great! Anything that gets people reading! I must say, though, that I still love my chick lit!


  • At 12:58 PM, Blogger Valerie said…

    Hi Merry, thanks for the link to the Modern Library's list. I've only read 7 off the Board's list and 17 off the Reader's list. It's interesting to see the difference between the lists...for example, Stephen King being on the Reader's list twice! (Both of which I read: "It" and "The Stand") I've never read anything by Ayn Rand, but apparently I need to--she's in the top 10 of the reader's list four times! :o)



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